
LaSkieda, Italy - april 2000, photo: Glenn

West. Tatras, may 2000 ,photo: Dodo

Rajecka Lesna - march 2000, photo: Evka

Pik Lenin -august 2001, photo: Alice Korbová

Welcome! So here is my version of telemarking. With this technique you can ski down just about anything. I really enjoy it. I feel like I have more flexibility on the skis and it's a great fun!

So if you feel like it, "free your mind". It's not that difficult really it only requires a bit of patience in the first few days. I also enjoy mountain biking, mountaineering, mountains, and occasionally climbing. Last and this year was a part of expeditions in Pamir ( year 2000, year 2001) and Himalayas (y 2000). And before I forget, just like other "proper" telemarker I am a big fan of the brews and I am a member of a Beer Team - Trnavska 13, where I am meeting the bare requirements and taking place in the Pub-Crawl TT13.

Evka           Peter            Dodo